Monday 24 October 2011

Check Points

This feature enables us to re-run SSIS package from last point
of failure rather than running this package from beginning
Enable checkpoint property of package, this will enable to save
execution history of tasks in a checkpoint file and this enables SSIS to
identify from where it need to restart package (last point of failure)

How to configure this
Go to package properties (Right click on control flow tab and
choose properties), shown below

Configure to look like below

Step1 – CheckpointFileName – Already pointed above about this
checkpoint file, this file gets created only if package fails
Step2 – CheckpointUsage
·        Never:
Do not look for checkpoint file even if the file exists
·        Always:
always look for checkpoint file, this will result in error.
·        IfExists: this
is the best option , look for checkpoint file if it exists
Step3 - SaveCheckpoints – True, of course, we
want create check point file. If you set False no file will be created in Step1

Once you have followed above steps, you must set the FailPackageOnFailure property
to true for all the containers/tasks in the package to enable them to
be identified as restart point.

Note: checkpoint can only be applied for the control flow tasks

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