Sunday 30 October 2011

SSIS Transformations-2

TransformationDescriptionExamples of when Transformation Would be Used

Slowly Changing DimensionMaintains historical values of the dimension members when new members are introduced.Useful for maintaining dimension tables in a data warehouse when maintaining historical dimension member values is necessary.
SortSorts input by column values. You can sort the input by multiple columns in either ascending or descending order. The transformation also allows you to specify the precedence of columns used for sorting. This transformation could also discard the rows with duplicate sort values.Ordering the data prior to loading it into a data warehouse. This could be useful if you're ordering your dimension by member name values as opposed to sorting by member keys.

You can also use Sort transformation prior to feeding the data as the input to the Merge Join or Merge transformation.
Term ExtractionExtracts terms (nouns and noun phrases) from the input text into the transformation output column.Processing large text data and extracting main concepts. For example, you could extract the primary terms used in this section of SQLServerPedia by feeding the Term Extraction transformation the text column containing the entire section.
Term LookupExtracts terms from the input column with TEXT data type and match them with same or similar terms found in the lookup table. Each term found in the lookup table is scanned for in the input column. If the term is found the transformation returns the value as well as the number of times it occurs in the row. You can configure this transformation to perform case-sensitive search.Analyzing large textual data for specific terms. For example, suppose you accept email feedback for latest version of your software. You might not have time to read through every single email messages that comes to the generic inbox. Instead you could use this task to look for specific terms of interest.
Union ALLCombines multiple inputs into a single output. Rows are sorted in the order they're added to the transformation. You can ignore some columns from each output, but each output column must be mapped to at least one input column.Import data from multiple disparate data sources into a single destination. For example, you could extract data from mail system, text file, Excel spreadsheet and Access database and populate a SQL Server table.

Unlike Merge and Merge Join transformations Union ALL can accept more than two inputs.

Opposite of Pivot transformation, Unpivot coverts columns into rows. It normalizes the input data set that has many duplicate values in multiple columns by creating multiple rows that have the same value in a single column.

For example if your input has a customer name and a separate column for checking and savings' accounts Unpivot can transform it into a row set that has customer, account and account balance columns.
Massaging a semi-structured input data file and convert it into a normalized input prior to loading data into a warehouse.

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