Sunday 16 October 2011


SSIS Package can be deployed in two ways
1.          FileSysten
2.          SqlServer
Steps to follow before Deploying the Package:
·            Create Deployment Utility
        Step1:  Right Click on Project-->Click on Properties
        Step2: In the Properties window select ‘Deployment Utility’
        Step3: Set the ‘Create Deployment utility’   property to TRUE

·            Rebuild the Solution or Project
       Step5:   Right Click on Project-->Click on Rebuild
       Step6:  Observe ‘Rebuild all succeeded’ message should display. 

       Step7:  If it is Success Deployment manifest file will be created with the Project Name.
       Step8:  By using this Manifest file we can deploy our Packages either in File system OR in                       SqlServer database
·        Deploy the package:
      Step1: Goto the Project Location -->then Bin Folder-->deployment Folder.
      Step2:  In deployment Folder Double Click on ‘Integration Services Deployment  
     Step3:   Click on Next
     Step4:   Select the radio Button ‘FileSysten deployment’

     Step5:   Click on Next
     Step6:   Browse the Target (where we need to save the Packages)

    Step7:   Click on Next
    Click on Next

    Click on Next
    Step8:   Click on Finish.

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