Friday 28 October 2011


Create new integration Service Project, create a new
package say “ImportMultipleExcelFiles.dtsx”

STEP2: Create a Folder ExcelFiles (C:\ExcelFiles)and then create three
excel file inside namely First.xls, Second.xls and Third.xls, having
identical schema in all three 

In my case, all excel files above contain data in “Sheet1
with below schema


Obviously you can have your sheet names but keep a note, Sheet
name has to be uniform across all excel files that contains data or data that
has to be uploaded

STEP3:Right Click on Control Flow
Window, Select Variables
Add a variable “FileName
at Package Level having type string and assign path to your first Excel File,

STEP4: Go to Control Flow add a “For Each Loop Container” Component.

Go to “Collection” tab. Assign folder path and file type as
shown below

Then go to “Variable
“ tab and map variable created above like

STEP5: Drag a “Data Flow Task “inside
“Foreach Loop Conatainer”, double clickson Data flow task
Drag one “Excel Source” task ,
double click on this to get “Excel Source Editor “ Window
Now choose new and new window will
open , now browse to your first excel file that is
UnderName of the Excel Sheet” on “Excel
Source Editor “, choose Sheet1$

STEP6: Now drag “OLE DB Destination”
task  , connect “Excel Source” to “OLE DB Destination”
Now similar to step 6 point to
your database and create a table
Map both like below

STEP7:. IF above is successful, check your database values.
Now its time to make it Dynamic
Go to the Properties
of ”Excel Connection Manager”
Expand “Expressions”
Choose “Connection
String” property and assign value of Expression like below
“Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=” + @[User::FileName] +
“;Extended Properties=\”Excel 8.0;HDR=YES\”;”

STEP8: Click on Evaluate Expression
for any errors
STEP9: Finally Execute Package

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