Friday 28 October 2011

Execution Plan-2

  • If you have a stored procedure, or other batch Transact-SQL code that uses temp tables, you cannot use the "Display Estimated Execution Plan" option in the Query Analyzer or Management Studio to evaluate it. Instead, you must actually run the stored procedure or batch code. This is because when a query is run using the "Display Estimated Execution Plan" option, it is not really run, and temp tables are not created. Since they are not created, any references to them in the code will fail, which prevents an estimated execution plan from being created.
On the other hand, if you use a table variable instead of a temp table, you can use the "Display Estimated Execution Plan" option
  • If you have a very complex query you are analyzing in Query Analyzer or Management Studio as a graphical query execution plan, the resulting plan can be very difficult to view and analyze. You may find it easier to break down the query into its logical components, analyzing each component separately
  • The results of a graphical query execution plan are not always easy to read and interpret. Keep the following in mind when viewing a graphical execution plan:
  • In very complex query plans, the plan is divided into many parts, with each part listed one on top of the other on the screen. Each part represents a separate process or step that the query optimizer has to perform in order to get to the final results.
  • Each of the execution plan steps is often broken down into smaller sub-steps. Unfortunately, they are displayed on the screen from right to left. This means you must scroll to the far right of the graphical query plan to see where each step starts.
  • Each of the sub-steps and steps is connected by an arrow, showing the path (order) taken of the query when it was executed.
  • Eventually, all of the parts come together at the top left side of the screen.
  • If you move your cursor above any of the steps or sub-steps, a pop-up windows is displayed, providing more detailed information about this particular step or sub-step.
  • If you move your cursor over any of the arrows connecting the steps and sub-steps, you see a pop-up window showing how many records are being moved from one step or sub-step to another step or sub-step.
The arrows that connect one icon to another in a graphical query plan have different thicknesses.
  • The thickness of the arrow indicates the relative cost in the number of rows and row size of the data moving between each icon. The thicker the arrow, the more the relative cost is.You can use this indicator as a quick gauge as to what is happening within the query plan of your query. You will want to pay extra attention to thick arrows in order to see how it affects the performance of your query. For example, thick lines should be at the right of the graphical execution plan, not the left. If you see them on the left, this could indicate that too many rows are being returned, and that the query execution plan is less than optimal.
  • In an execution plan, each part of it is assigned a percentage cost. This represents how much this part costs in resource use, relative to the rest of the execution plan. When you analyze an execution plan, you should focus your efforts on those parts that have the largest percentage cost. This way, you focus your limited time on those areas that have the greatest potential for a return on your time investment.
  • In an execution plan, you may have noticed that some parts of the plan are executed more than once. As part of your analysis of an execution plan, you should focus some of your time on any part that takes more than one execution, and see if there is any way to reduce the number of executions performed. The fewer executions that are performed, the faster the query will be executed.
  • In an execution plan you will see references to I/O and CPU cost. These don't have a "real" meaning, such as representing the use of a specific amount of resources. These figures are used by the Query Optimizer to help it make the best decision. But there is one meaning you can associate with them, and that is that a smaller I/O or CPU cost uses less server resources than a higher I/O or CPU cost.

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